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Magic Sword & Magic Bow

Magic Sword

A magical sword that gives +6 attack damage which is as good as an Iron Sword. This can be used as a magical wand to cast spells that the user has earnt on their wand, spells are detailed within our Spells Wiki. The benefit to this sword is that although low damage allows you to cast spells at the same time! The spells it gives work in the same way as on the wands, however, it won’t give spells that are wand exclusives. Like wands, the sword can be ranked up and works using the enchantment table. The user can use Q to access the spells inventory for quick castability. 

The item is bound and will be retained upon death. It is crafted below:

Magic Bow

This is a really fascinating item that acts as a Wand but for arrow-related spells. It can be used to shoot magical arrows as well as normal arrows. To upgrade your bow you use the enchantment table as explained in the spells category below. Each spell is listed below for clarity as to what you can unlock. More magical Arrows are unlocked with spell points and can also earn you spell points when used. The Magic bow includes spells that are not included within your Wand, spellbook, or Magic Sword.

By default, you get the Normal Arrow spell and the Poison Arrow spell. The Bow is crafted by:

The item is bound and will be retained upon death.

Poison Arrow Spell

Fire an arrow with a Poisoned tip that explodes upon impact and lasts for 3 seconds. Available as default

Grapple Arrow Spell

Fire an arrow that pulls you towards it. Lasts for 45 seconds. Cast again to deactivate Available to Archer for 300 SP

Ice Arrow Spell

Fire an arrow that freezes the area where it lands, it lasts for 10 seconds. Available to Archer for 700 SP.

Blink Arrow Spell

Fire an arrow that teleports you to where it lands. Available to Archer for 1000 SP.

Fire Arrow Spell

Fire an arrow that lights a fire where it lands, it lasts for 10 seconds. Available to Archer for 800 SP.

Shock Arrow Spell

Fire an Arrow that Electrifies the target, it lasts for 4 seconds. Available to Archer for 1200 SP.

Bomb Arrow Spell 

Fire an Arrow that explodes where it lands, it lasts for 30 seconds. Available to Archer for 1500 SP.

Light Arrow Spell

Fire an Arrow of powerful pure light, it lasts for 5 seconds. Available to Archer for 5000 SP


Magic Broomstick

Allows you to fly through the air, and dive to speed up. The item is bound and will be retained upon death. Press shift to dismount the broomstick. When the timer comes close to ending you will experience sickness from all the exerted G force! Note, this can sometimes be quite buggy for those with slower / weaker PCs due to the extensive nation of the chunk rendering, it may work for you if not best stick to an Elytra. I would test this out before you use it. The broom has different levels that currently there isn’t a way to check your progress on leveling up, however, every 50 casts/uses will mean that the broom levels up.


The default lasts for 30 secs with a 15-second cooldown. This can be crafted:


 As well as bought in the /shop for ₿6000 / 6000 Symbits. The broomstick can also be upgraded by using the following upgrades. The upgrades are mutually exclusive meaning you can only have one active at a time.

Level 1:

O – Duration is 30 seconds

O – The cooldown is 15 seconds

O – The cost is  ₿6000

Level 2:

O – Duration is 45 seconds

O – The cooldown is 13 seconds

O – Improved Handling

Level 3:

O – Duration is 1 minute

O – The cooldown is 10 seconds

O – Improved Handling

Level 4:

O – Duration is 1 minute 30 seconds

O – Cooldown is 5 seconds

O – Improved Handling

Level 5:

O – Duration is 2 minutes

O – Cooldown is 2 seconds

O – Improved Handling

Broom Booster Upgrade

Drop onto your broomstick to increase your speed. 

This can also be bought in the /shop as an upgrade for â‚¿25,000 / 25,000 Symbits

Broom Flight Upgrade

Drop onto your broomstick to fly forever like when you use an Elytra 

This can also be bought in the /shop as an upgrade for â‚¿25,000 / 25,000 Symbits


Wizard Spells

Chain Magic Missile

Fire a bolt of pure magic in a chain to all targets. An upgrade of the default spell. Available to: Wizard for 300 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 15


Summon a mob of monsters. Available to: Wizard for 300 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Duration

O – Increased Mob Count

O – Different Mob Types

O – Shorter cooldown

Level 3:

O – Mana: 200

O – Increased Duration

O – Increased Mob Count

O – Different Mob Types

O – Shorter cooldown


Immobilize your target. Available to: Wizard for 300 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 120

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Duration

O – Lower Mana Cost

Level 3:

O – Mana: 80

O – Increased Duration

O – Lower Mana Cost


Summon a tendril of darkness. Available to: Wizard for 400 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100


Create an earthquake. Available to: Wizard for 450 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150


Make yourself impervious to damage. Available to: Wizard for 500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 90

Carpet Bomb

Rain death from above. Available to: Wizard for 500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 175

Level 2:

O – Mana: 175

O – More Bombs

Level 3:

O – Mana: 175

O – More Bombs

Level 4:

O – Mana: 175

O – More Bombs


Bless/heal a large area of followers. Available to: Wizard for 700 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 200

Neutron Bomb

Damage and stun all entities in a wide radius (watch out this includes you). Available to: Wizard for 750 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Radius


Hurts and shrinks various things, if you kill the target you get its skull! Available to: Wizard for 750 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75

Dragon Ball

Launch an ender dragon fireball. Be careful, don’t fall into the dragon’s breath! Available to: Wizard for 800 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

O – A very long cooldown at 2mins

O – A area-wide lingering effect that causes damage


Spawn a destructive whirlwind. Available to: Wizard for 900 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Size


Create a black hole. Available to: Wizard for 1000 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Radius

O – Increased Duration

O – Increased Damage


Blast through blocks and multiple targets. Available to: Wizard for 1000 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 125

O – Increased Range

O – Increased Target hit count

O – Decreased Cooldown

O – Decreased Mana Cost

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Range

O – Increased Target hit count

O – Decreased Cooldown

O – Decreased Mana Cost

Level 4:

O – Mana: 75

O – Decreased Cooldown

O – Decreased Mana Cost


Plant some flowers! Available to: Wizard for 1200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100


Cast an exploding fireball. Available to: Wizard for 1500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Meteor Shower

Fire death from above. Available to: Wizard for 1500 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 200

Level 2:

O – Mana: 200

O – Decreased cooldown

O – Increased shards


Launch several homing missiles into the air. Available to: Wizard for 2000 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – More Missiles

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – More Missiles


A place to keep your stuff opens up your ender chest. Available to: Wizard for 2000 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 0


Use telekinesis to grab and manipulate mobs, or players. Available to: Wizard for 2500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec


Summon a focused sunbeam. Only works during the daytime. Deals more damage at noon. Available to: Wizard for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Damage

O – Decreased Delay

Level 3:

O – Mana: 200

O – Increased Damage

O – Decreased Delay


Mercilessly torture your enemy. Available to: Wizard for 3000 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Damage

O – Increased Duration

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Damage

O – Increased Duration


Levitate yourself up into the air. Available to: Wizard for 5000 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec

Level 2:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec

O – Fly Faster

O – Fly Higher

O – Reduced cooldown

Level 3:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec

O – Fly Faster

O – Fly Higher

O – Reduced cooldown

Level 4:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec

O – Fly Faster

O – Fly Higher

O – Reduced cooldown

Level 5:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec

O – Fly Faster

O – Fly Higher

O – Reduced cooldown

Level 6:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec

O – Unlimited Height

O – Cloud Vanishes


Deal lethal damage to your target. Available to: Wizard for 5000 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Larger projectile

O – Faster

O – Shorter Warmup

Level 3:

O – Mana: 150

O – Larger projectile

O – Faster

O – Shorter Warmup


Create a huge explosion. Available to: Wizard for 2000 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 200

Level 2:

O – Mana: 200

O – Larger Radius

O – More destruction


Mount your target. Available to: Wizard for 150 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 60


Tame your target. Available to: Wizard for 150 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100


Temporarily cage your target. Available to: Wizard for 600 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Create a minimal house with a crafting table and a bed. Available to: Wizard for 700 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Holy Light

Heal players in the area, and harm mobs. This will injure your pets so be careful! Available to: Wizard for 700 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150


Prevent your target from casting spells. Available to: Wizard for 750 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 120

O – Decreased Mana Cost

O – Decreased Cooldown

O – Increased Duration

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Decreased Mana Cost

O – Decreased Cooldown

O – Increased Duration


Toss a splitting grenade. Available to: Wizard for 600 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Cluster bomb splits into more bombs

Level 3:

O – Mana: 150

O – Cluster bomb splits into more bombs

Level 4:

O – Mana: 150

O – Cluster bomb splits into more bombs


Converts an Ore to the full block eg, Diamond Ore into Diamond Block. 3 players will be needed for the block to convert. Available to: Wizard for 600 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 5

Fast Food

Gives you a boost to food every time you eat. Available to: Wizard for 600 SP. This is also available to all tiers from our server shop.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

O – 5-minute Cooldown


An upgrade to the Laser spell, allows you to break through more blocks for longer (3 minutes). Helps you with your mining. Available to: Wizard for 600 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

O – 5 minute Cooldown


Gives Haste everytime you cast for a short period. Available to: Wizard for 600 SP. This is available to all tiers from our server shop. 

Level 1:

O – Mana: 20

O – Haste 1

Level 2:

O – Mana: 20

O – Haste 2

Level 3:

O – Mana: 20

O – Haste 3


Apprentice Spells

Flash Bang

Toss a ball of light and fury. Available to: Apprentice for 50 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Wear your target block as a hat. Available to: Apprentice for 80 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 30

Level 2:

O – Mana: 30

O – Increased Duration

Level 3:

O – Mana: 30

O – Increased Duration


Suck up water in an area. Available to: Apprentice for 100 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 65

Level 2:

O – Mana: 165

O – Sponge clear-up is permanent

O – Cooldown doubled


Physically damage your target. Available to: Apprentice for 100 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Increased Damage

Level 3:

O – Mana: 50

O – Increased Damage


Make the target area bouncy. Available to: Apprentice for 150 SP

level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Lift up your target. Available to: Apprentice for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 40


Drop a big block of sand. Available to: Apprentice for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Drops more sand


Create a platform in front of you. Available to: Apprentice for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 60

Level 2:

O – Mana: 60

O – Increased size

Level 3:

O – Mana: 60

O – Increased size

Level 4:

O – Mana: 60

O – Now builds with your brush


Make the target blocks stronger. Available to: Apprentice for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 30

O – Convert blocks to Stone

Level 2:

O – Mana: 30

O – Converts blocks to Stone Bricks

O – Increased duration

Level 3:

O – Mana: 30

O – Converts blocks to Smooth Stone

O – Increased duration

Level 4:

O – Mana: 30

O – Converts blocks to Polished Blackstone

O – Increased duration

Level 5:

O – Mana: 30

O – Converts blocks to Obsidian

O – Increased duration


Throw a bouncing projectile. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased duration

O – Increased Damage

Level 3:

O – Mana: 80

O – Increased duration

O – Increased Damage

Air Scooter

Travel in style on a cushion of air. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 20

O – Active costs: 10 per Sec


Create some walls around your target. Available to: Apprentice for 250 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Block now Obsidian

Sticky Bomb

Toss a sticky bomb that explodes after 5 seconds. Available to: Apprentice for 300 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 80

Level 2:

O – Mana: 80

O – More Accurate

O – More blast radius

Level 3:

O – Mana: 80

O – More Accurate

O – More blast radius


Damage your target. Will destroy target block or entity. Available to: Apprentice for 300 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Unleash a concussive wave. Available to: Apprentice for 400 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana:150

Level 2:

O – Mana:150

O – Increased Size

O – Increased Force


Temporarily destroy the target surface. Available to: Apprentice for 400 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Size Increased

Level 3:

O – Mana: 50

O – Size Increased

Gatling Gun

Fire a stream of arrows. Available to: Apprentice for 400 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Longer fire time

O – Shorter warm-up


Destroy a line of blocks. Available to: Apprentice for 450 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 120

Level 2:

O – Mana: 120

O – Larger Radius

O – Increased Damage

Level 3:

O – Mana: 120

O – Larger Radius

O – Increased Damage


Strike down your target. Available to: Apprentice for 500 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Damage

O – Increased blast radius

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Damage

O – Increased blast radius

Chain Lightning

Shoot a bolt of electricity that splits to hit multiple targets. Available to: Apprentice for 600 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75

Level 2:

O – Mana: 75

O – Chains to more targets

Level 3:

O – Mana: 75

O – Chains to more targets


Counter target player’s spell. Only works on recently cast spells. Available to: Apprentice for 600 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 70

Level 2:

O – Mana: 70

O – No chance of fizzle (spell not reflecting)


Make plants, crops, and saplings grow instantly. Available to: Apprentice for 600 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 70

Level 2:

O – Mana: 70

O – Increased Radius

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Radius

Level 4:

O – Mana: 100

O – Increased Radius

Homing Missile

Shoot a bolt of energy that will track your target. Available to: Apprentice for 750 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Faster

O – More Damage

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Faster

O – More Damage

Level 4:

O – Mana: 100

O – Faster

O – More Damage


Play some tunes. Available to: Apprentice for 30 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 20


Electrify the area Available to Apprentice for 150 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 45


Disarm your opponent. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 60

Level 2:

O – Mana: 60

O – Decreased chance of backfire and fizzle

Level 3:

O – Mana: 60

O – No chance of backfiring and fizzle


Summon and mount a horse. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Summon a menacing Ghast. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Your opponent’s mana supply burns them to the core. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 150

Level 2:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased damage

O – Decreased cooldown

Level 3:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased damage

O – Decreased cooldown

Level 4:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased damage

O – Decreased cooldown


A chance to deal some extra damage. This is a passive spell, so you can enable and it will give you the benefits. Available to: Apprentice for 500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 0

Level 2:

O – Mana: 0

O – Improved chances of critical

Level 3:

O – Mana: 0

O – Improved chances of critical


An Elytra in your pocket! Gives you a one-use Elytra. Available to Apprentice for 750 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100


Permanently destroy unwanted items. Available to Apprentice for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 0


Run forward, damaging all in your path. Gives you a good speed boost. Available to Apprentice for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 40


Quickly move backward to evade your foes. Available to: Apprentice for 500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 20


Collapse a spherical area of blocks. Available to: Apprentice for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Increased Radius


A powerful 180-degree attack. Available to: Apprentice for 500 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Student Spells


Explode weaker objects. Available to: Student for 200 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 45

Level 2:

O – Mana: 45

O – Increased Radius

O – Breaks stronger blocks

Level 3:

O – Mana: 45

O – Increased Radius

O – Breaks stronger blocks

Level 4:

O – Mana: 45

O – Increased Radius

O – Breaks stronger blocks


Slows down and weakens the target. Available to: Student for 80 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Adds Confusion


A magical whip of pure energy. Available to: Student for 100 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 25


Create a solid blob that suffocates your enemies. Available to: Student for 100 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

O – Builds with Glass

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Builds with Clay

Level 3:

O – Mana: 50

O – Builds with Obsidian

Arrow Rain

Fire a volley of arrows. Available to: Student for 100 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 30

Level 2:

O – Mana: 30

O – More Arrows


Trap your target with ropes. Available to: Student for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 70


Spray a stream of water. Available to: Student for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 30

Level 2:

O – Mana: 30

O – Increased Damage and Range

Level 3:

O – Mana: 30

O – Increased Damage and Range


Create a reflective shell. Cast this in front/ below you for the best effect Available to: Student for 150 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75

Level 2:

O – Mana: 75

O – Increased durability

O – Increased reflection power

Level 3:

O – Mana: 75

O – Increased durability

O – Increased reflection power

Level 4:

O – Mana: 75

O – Increased durability

O – Increased reflection power


Create an explosion, Available to: Student for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 75

O – Greater Damage

O – Breaks Blocks


Fire a stream of lava. Make sure to cast down on an enemy or with no objects in the way Available to: Student for 250 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 65

Level 2:

O – Mana: 65

O – More Lava

Level 3:

O – Mana: 65

O – More Lava

Level 4:

O – Mana: 65

O – More Lava


Burn, baby, burn! Fires well… fire at the enemy Available to Student for 250 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Longer stream of fire

Level 3:

O – Mana: 100

O – Longer stream of fire

Level 4:

O – Mana: 100

O – Longer stream of fire


Heal yourself or others, this can be interrupted by damage! Available to: Student for 300 SP. Note this spell has a long cool down.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Cooldown decreased

Level 3:

O – Mana: 50

O – Cooldown decreased


Strike lighting at your target. Available to: Student for 300 SP. A spell with another long cool down.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 80

Level 2:

O – Mana: 80

O – Increased Accuracy

Level 3:

O – Mana: 80

O – More Lightning


Toss a primed grenade. Available to: Student for 300 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 40

Level 2:

O – Mana: 75

O – Increased Damage

O – Adds fire


Shoot wither skulls and leaves Wither effect. Available to: Student for 350 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 60

Level 2:

O – Mana: 60

O – More wither skulls

Level 1:

O – Mana: 60

O – More wither skulls


Absorb damage taken and then deal it back in full. Available to: Student for 400 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 80

Level 2:

O – Mana: 80

O – Deals more damage back

Level 3:

O – Mana: 80

O – Deals more damage back


Sends you flying in the target direction. Available to: Student for 400 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 60

O – Increased speed

O – Bigger Jump

O – Quicker cooldown

O – Shift cast for a smaller jump.

Level 3:

O – Mana: 75

O – Increased speed

O – Bigger Jump

O – Quicker cooldown

O – Shift cast for a smaller jump.

Level 4:

O – Mana: 90

O – Increased speed

O – Bigger Jump

O – Quicker cooldown

O – Shift cast for a smaller jump.


Teleport to your target. Available to: Student for 500 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 60

O – Increased Range

Level 3:

O – Mana: 75

O – Increased Range

O – Can ascend to the surface.

Level 4:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Range

O – Can ascend to the surface.

O – Can decent underground

Level 5:

O – Mana: 150

O – Increased Range

O – Can ascend to the surface.

O – Can decent underground

O – Can pass through solid objects

Level 6:

O – Mana: 200

O – Can ascend into the air

O – Can ascend to the surface.

O – Can decent underground

O – Can pass through solid objects


Mines and drops the targeted ores. Available to: Student for 500 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 10

Level 2:

O – Mana: 10

O – Mine more blocks

Level 3:

O – Mana: 10

O – Mine more blocks

Level 4:

O – Mana: 10

O – Mine more blocks

O – More drops

Level 5:

O – Mana: 10

O – More Drops

Level 6:

O – Mana: 10

O – More Drops


Fell a tree in one cast. Available to: Student for 600 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 80

Level 2:

O – Mana: 80

O – Chops more blocks

Level 3:

O – Mana: 80

O – Chops more blocks

O – Chops leaves too


Opens the target door. Available to: Student for 20 SP

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Level 2:

O – Mana: 50

O – Now opens iron doors


Gives you a random effect, bad or good. Available to: Student for 50 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50

Tracking Sense

Find nearby life. Available to: Student for 50 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 20

Level 2:

O – Mana: 20

O – Larger tracking radius

Level 3:

O – Mana: 20

O – Larger tracking radius

Level 4:

O – Mana: 20

O – Sneak cast to look for players

Level 5:

O – Mana: 20

O – Sneak cast to look for players

O – Cast at the ground to see all players and mobs in a 16-block radius


Grows certain entities (Zombiesetc.). Available to: Student for 75 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75


Go for a wild ride. Essentially fly like you have a rocket up your bum Available to Student for 100 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75


Create an animal familiar. This can sometimes be a useful mob! Available to: Student for 100 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 75


Create some cat familiars. Available to: Student for 150 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 30


Secures containers. Aim up and cast for a replacement key, sneak-cast to unlock. Note, this is not undoable so once your chest is locked it is always locked. Available to: Student for 150 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 100

Level 2:

O – Mana: 100

O – Now locks furnaces and other containers


Call a monster to your side. Available to: Student for 100 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 40

Level 2:

O – Mana: 40

O – Increased duration

O – More mob types

Level 3:

O – Mana: 40

O – Increased duration

O – More mob types


Phase to another dimension. Essentially a Netherportal you carry around with you. This spell will teleport you to the corresponding point in the nether/overworld. Be careful it can sometimes suffocate you if you aren’t carefull. Available to Student for 400 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Like the Phase spell but it spawns an actual portal, this tends to be a bit safer than the Phase spell. However, this can sometimes take you back to a generic portal, due to portal linking mechanics. Available to: Student for 400 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 50


Toss a bunch of blocks. Available to: Student for 300 SP.

Level 1:

O – Mana: 40


A passive healing spell casts when you take damage to cause instant healing.  Available to: Student for 500 SP. (note this spell has a default cooldown of 5 minutes and 6 minutes for level 2)

Level 1:

O – Mana: 30

Level 2 (requires wizard):

O – Mana: 30

O – Adds Absorption

O – Adds Regeneration

O – Adds Damage Resistance

O – Adds Health Boost


Beginner Spells

Magic Missile

Fire a bolt of pure magic. Available as default

Level 1:

O- Mana: 15

Level 2:

O- Increased Damage and range

O- Mana: 15

Level 3:

O- Increased Damage and range

O- Mana: 20

Level 4:

O- Increased Damage and range

O- Mana: 25

Level 5:

O- Increased Damage and range

O- Mana: 30


Pull things toward you. Available to: Beginner for 20 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 10

As Levels increase, the pull strength increases


Push things away from you. Available to: Beginner for 50 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 20

As Levels increase, the push strength increases


Blind your target. Available to: Beginner for 70 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 20

As Levels increase, the blindness length increases


Fire a magic arrow Available to: Beginner for 70 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 20

Level 2:

O- Mana: 30

O- Increased damage and accuracy

Level 3:

O- Mana: 30

O- Increased damage and accuracy

Level 4:

O- Mana: 30

O- Increased damage and accuracy

Level 5:

O- Mana: 40

O- Increased damage and accuracy

Level 5:

O- Mana: 50

O- Increased damage and accuracy


Poison your target. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 20

As Levels increase, the Poison length increases


Reflect spells cast against you. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 10

O- Increased size and reflectivity

Level 2:

O- Mana: 10

O- Increased size and reflectivity

Level 3:

O- Mana: 20

O- Increased size and reflectivity

Level 4:

O- Mana: 20

O- Increased size and reflectivity


Make yourself invisible. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP


O- Mana: 10

Active Costs (per Second):

O- Mana: 5


Create a safety bubble, Cast underneath yourself while falling. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 10

Level 2:

O- Mana: 10

O- Larger water bubble


Cast an exploding fireball. Available to: Beginner for 150 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 40

Level 2:

O- Mana: 40

O- Increased Accuracy and Speed

Level 3:

O- Mana: 40

O- Increased Accuracy and Speed

Level 4:

O- Mana: 40

O- Starts fires


Remove negative effects Available to: Beginner for 175 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 30

Level 2:

O- Mana: 30

O- Now removes Wither and Weakness

Level 3:

O- Mana: 30

O- Now removes silence

Level 4:

O- Mana: 30

O- Now cures zombie villagers


Freeze water and create snow. Available to: Beginner for 200 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 40

Level 2:

O- Mana: 50

O- Larger radius increased slow duration

Level 3:

O- Mana: 60

O- Larger radius increased slow duration

Level 4:

O- Mana: 70

O- Larger radius increased slow duration


Makes you temporarily superpowered. Available to: Beginner for 220 SP

Level 1:

O- Casting Mana: 20

O- Active Costs per sec: 5

Level 2:

O- Casting Mana: 20

O- Active Costs per sec: 5

O- Jump Boost

Level 3:

O- Casting Mana: 20

O- Active Costs per sec: 5

O- Increased speed affect

Level 4:

O- Casting Mana: 20

O- Active Costs per sec: 5

O- Adds Nightvision


Temporarily glass the target surface Available to Beginner for 300 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 30

As Levels increase, the peek area increases


Fire off flares. Available to: Beginner for 20 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 10

As Levels increase, more fireworks appear.


Passive Spell Refills air one time when you run out. Available to: Beginner for 30 SP


Take a deep breath while underwater. Available to: Beginner for 30 SP.

Level 1:

O- Mana: 30


Stun and damage your target. Available to: Beginner for 80 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 50

Level 2:

O- Mana: 50

O- Increased Damage and Stun duration

Level 3:

O- Mana: 50

O- Increased Damage and Stun duration


Crafting on the go. Available to: Beginner for 80 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 50

Level 2:

O- Mana: 30

O- Decreased cooldown

Level 3:

O- Mana: 10

O- Decreased cooldown

Level 4:

O- Mana: 0

O- Decreased cooldown


Spawns an Anvil for use by the player. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 100


Creates a torch or glowstone. Available to: Beginner for 200 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 50

Level 2:

O- Mana: 50

O- Reduced cooldown

Level 3:

O- Mana: 50

O- Reduced cooldown

Level 4:

O- Mana: 50

O- Reduced cooldown


Construct a temporary line of blocks. Available to: Beginner for 200 SP.

Level 1:

O- Mana: 20


Toss dirt blocks at the enemy. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP.

Level 1:

O- Mana: 20


Pull items toward you. Available to: Beginner for 20 SP.

Level 1:

O- Mana: 0


Put out fires in an area. Available to: Beginner for 100 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 30


Summons a sword of different levels and enchants, this temporarily replaces your wand. (lasts for 1 minute, available every 5 minutes) Available to: Beginner for 100 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 50

O- Iron Sword

O- Sharpness 2

O- Knockback 2

Level 2:

O- Mana: 50

O- Diamond Sword

O- Sharpness 3

O- Knockback 2

Level 3:

O- Mana: 50

O- Diamond Sword

O- Sharpness 5

O- Knockback 2

O- Fire Aspect 2

Level 4:

O- Mana: 50

O- Netherite Sword

O- Sharpness 6

O- Knockback 2

O- Fire Aspect 2


Summons a bow and arrows, this temporarily replaces your wand. (lasts for 1 minute, available every 5 minutes) Available to: Beginner for 500 SP

Level 1:

O- Mana: 50

O- Power 5

O- Flame 2

O- Punch 3