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Voting on our Server is key to getting us to be seen by more players and increasing our community. It is a fantastic way for you to give back to us and will only take a couple of minutes to vote on all 8 sites. At Symbiplex, we want to reward you for Voting as this really helps us so much we want to give something in return. This page will walk through how voting at Symbiplex works as well as some of the rewards you can be given for doing this.

We have a special page that embeds a lot of our vote sites and can be visited – here.

How to Vote?

Voting is really easy on our server, in any server do /vote to open the vote GUI, and from here you can vote on sites individually altogether:

Either way, you will get a link to the website or you can follow the links on this page or lower down. This will take you to the voting websites where you enter your username (some websites may require a sign-in from social media such as a Discord account) and complete the captcha and press enter.

Check you have received a message in chat to confirm that you have voted.

After all 8 votes, you get a bonus and it will tell you when you have voted on all 8 sites.

Voting on Survival will unlock voting rewards.

Our Vote Sites

O- Site 1

O- Site 2

O- Site 3

O- Site 4

O- Site 5

O- Site 6

O- Site 7

O- Site 8

Voting Rewards

Voting gives you multiple rewards the screenshot above shows you gain Symbiplex Experience which is shared across all Servers. All servers have this reward to them, with a bonus for voting on all 8 sites.

Survival will grant you extra Claim blocks, Balance, and Voting Keys

RPG will give you extra Balance

Symbisky will give you extra Balance

How does Voting help us grow?

Voting sites are designed so that the best and most popular servers show towards the top, this means the more votes a server gets the more popular they are. Being higher up on these lists means the chance for a potential future player to find our server will increase as they will ultimately find our servers before another. Voting gets us up these lists and is a free way for us to bring in players through the support of the community.

Symbiplex is designed with you in mind, in order to do this the community has to work together to grow. Please take the time to vote and support us, it won’t take you long to do and if all our players do this we will grow very fast allowing us to grow and develop our server and make the playing experience at Symbiplex even greater.


Global Crates


Our Crates feature is across the whole server and combines a mixture of Crates for Survival, Voting as well as Cosmetics and Pets. This wiki page will take you through the basics of claiming and using these crates as well as share what you can gain from this. Global Crates and Keys will be separate from Survival Crates as there will be some differences between them all!

Crates on our servers will usually have their own unique warp to claim using:

/warp crates


or /warps and finding the warp within the warp navigation menu.

The majority of our crates will have their own Chest with holograms above them to describe what they look like. An example of this is Survival Crates:

As you can see that there are a number of different Crates on our server to access.

Crates + Keys basics

Right-clicking on the crate will give you a menu that shows all of the items within the Crate. An example of this is the Vote Crate:

The music disc 11 will be able to be clicked on in order to close the menu.

You can highlight the reward to know what it is and this will give you the chance of receiving this reward. For example, if we want the Wither Rose icon:

Once you have a key left clicking the Crate will open the create and process the animation.

Note: Survival does not just have Crates that require Keys but also Crates that can be opened directly in the inventory.


Survival Crates

Please visit our Survival Crates page – Here


Survival Crates


Our Crates feature is across the whole server and combines a mixture of Crates for Survival, Voting as well as Cosmetics and Pets. This wiki page will take you through the basics of claiming and using these crates as well as share what you can gain from this. Global Crates and Keys will be separate from Survival Crates as there will be some differences between them all!

Crates on our servers will usually have their own unique warp to claim using:

/warp crates


or /warps and finding the warp within the warp navigation menu.

The majority of our crates will have their own Chest with holograms above them to describe what they look like. An example of this is Survival Crates:

As you can see that there are a number of different Crates on our server to access.

Crates + Keys basics

Right-clicking on the crate will give you a menu that shows all of the items within the Crate. An example of this is the Vote Crate:

The music disc 11 will be able to be clicked on in order to close the menu.

You can highlight the reward to know what it is and this will give you the chance of receiving this reward. For example, if we want the Wither Rose icon:

Once you have a key left clicking the Crate will open the create and process the animation.

Note: Survival does not just have Crates that require Keys but also Crates that can be opened directly in the inventory.

Global Crates

Please visit our Global Crates page – Here

Voting Crates

On Symbiplex Survival we have 2 types of Vote crates. Once you have voted you will be given a Vote Chance Crate. This Crate will give you a chance to get a Vote Key, as you can Vote up to 8 times you get 8 of these a day and its down to the world of RnG to give you as many Vote keys as possible.

This key is used in a different mode where you right-click to redeem the reward.

Once you receive a vote key you can visit the /crates and with the key in your hand, you can left-click the chest and start the reward!

The reward animation will start:

Shown by multiple colours when the reward is given it will go all dark and give you the item or the reward from the middle! In this case, I got an Enchanted Golden Apple

These keys are obtained via Voting, Vote Key chance crates, and when you Vote on all sites each day.

The rewards for these will be listed at the bottom of this wiki page.

Crate tiers

Although Voting Crates is the first step of the process of growing up into different crates the following Crate tiers apply:

Level 1 – Vote Crate

level 2 – Common Crate

level 3 – Uncommon Crate

level 4 – Rare Crate

level 5 – Legendary Crate

Each Crate has its own unique colour and key of the same colour that can be used. Much like the vote crate above, left-click with the key in your hand to open the Crate. As the Tiers increase the better the rewards that can be obtained via them, each Crate has a chance to get a Key of Crates at a higher Level than this Crate. Eg. The Rare Crate has a chance to get a Legendary Crate key.

Like the Voting Crates, you can right-click to display the current rewards that can be obtained.

Keys can also be bought via our in-server shop. They can also be earnt through Symbiplex Levels and other rewards.

Note: The Survival keys will have monthly changing items to keep them exciting and encourage our players to get all of the collectables.

Note: Each tier has a collectable item for you to achieve! Try and find them all!

Lootcase & DailyLootbox

Lootcases are a special reward you receive when Voting on all of the Vote sites like the Vote Chance you right-click to open these in your inventory. This Crate gives you 1 or more keys to each of the tiers to get you going!

DailyLootbox will be added in an up and coming update.

The Rewards

We have displayed our rewards this way, as we constantly change our rewards to best suit the server.

[iframe src=””]


Donating to our server

We want to enhance your playing experience but of course, we need to be able to run our server and so we welcome any support you can provide to us by visiting our Store and purchasing one of our offerings:

O- Cosmetics in the form of particles, RPG wand cosmetics, and Pets

O- Ranks

O- Keys

This wiki page will explain each of these categories and the offerings we provide.

Our store page will explain what you are getting with your purchase and will also list our terms and conditions to ensure that you understand what you are buying and getting yourself into.

We are constantly updating our shop to bring you more options and new things to buy so keep checking it out!


On our server, you can purchase something to show off to your friends you are the best! Have a cool fox pet, a cool tag, and a cool username!

RPG sells unique wands; looks to be the best Wizard in the land!


We have 6 ranks currently that can be purchased and the below spreadsheet will detail the rewards these ranks give out and their prices. The spreadsheet is embedded so that it will update when we update our store. Make sure to visit the store for the most recent details.

There are 3 ways you can purchase, a rolling monthly cost, 6 months, or for a year. The longer period you buy the cheaper it is to get the rank per month.

[iframe src=””]


We offer 3 types of keys at the moment which can be purchased in our store:

O – Cosmetic Key

O – Pet Key

O – Spawner Key (Symbisky only)

The spreadsheet will detail the 3 keys, the chance of receiving the item listed, and what the reward is:

[iframe src=””]

Note: Make sure to change TABS to see the different types of keys.

Pay to Win claims

We take any claims of being Pay to Win seriously and want to work with our community to ensure that we are not a pay-to-win server, no doubt people’s opinions change and we want to hear about all of these, please join our discord and raise a support ticket and we will take your suggestions seriously.